Saturday, June 27, 2009

Green with ... Car Envy?

I took my little boys to a park yesterday, being fortunate to have them for a few hours while their mother ran errands. The little ones are now four and a half and 19 months and spent a lovely hour or so running around, sliding on slides, swinging on swings, not a care in the world.

Then he saw it.

Another little boy from the neighborhood was getting into his battery-operated big, red Jeep and driving home from the park. My guy, completely mesmerized, ran over there and just stood there. Watching it. When the little boy began driving it away, eyes glued to the car, he just slowly followed it until I called him back to the park.

I said to him, "You have a few of those kind of cars at home, don't you?"
"Yes, but I don't have one like that", he said slowly, with such obvious longing in his voice.

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