Friday, June 13, 2008

Lucky Me

Yesterday I emailed some of my good friends to tell them that my Dad would be 94 on Sunday and to ask them to send him a birthday card. I figured that at 94 you probably don't get many cards. My oldest friend, from high school, responded that she would try to get a card out and then wrote "Hey girlfriend, you have a daddy and a half. See how lucky you are".

Yeah, I know. A daddy and a half.

I heard the news today that Tim Russert, from NBC's Meet The Press, died today. Tim was just 58. I had recently read his book (listened to it, actually) "Big Russ and Me" and was touched to see how his early life was eerily similar to mine. His father had been in World War II, Tim grew up in a working class neighborhood, played the same street games that we played, had many of the same early experiences we had (though his family was more religious than was mine), so when I heard that he had died today I felt that I had lost a part of my history, my childhood. Tim was so joyous about his family. One of his friends said that Tim thought that he had won the lottery of life and lived his life knowing this and being grateful everyday for his family, his work, his friends.

I can't think of a better way to live each day.

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