Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lucky Me!

I cannot believe how profoundly my life has changed in the past month. Many of my days are spent with my beautiful daughter and grandchildren. Recently, while mom did a "big shop" to get supplies for the family vacation, I spent the afternoon with my two little boys. It's amazing to be able to just be there with them, watching them learn and play. It's so funny to see the little one, not quite two, do absolutely everything his older brother, 4 1/2, does or says. So, he's learning words and sentences with astonishing speed. It's true that they are sponges.

The older one called me on my knowing everything. Whenever I tell him something, he says, "How you know?" and I usually say, "I know everything. I'm a grandma." He's always been a bit skeptical about that, but never said anything.

But as I fumbled how to put the cover on the sport bottle, he was quick to tell me how to attach it and then say, "You no know everything".

We spent the afternoon just playing in the backyard. Simple play is just the thing. Older brother would throw his little matchbox car off the porch and then jump off after it. Little brother, not at all able to do this, just threw HIS matchbox car off the porch and pointed to it and yelled for his brother to get it for him. He also learned to jump off the porch, holding my hand.

Later, at the park, big brother flies down the big slide, forwards, backwards, as fast as he can, and now, little brother, who hasn't done this before, follows him up and then flies, out of control, down the big slide. I, of course, slow his ride in the middle of the way down to keep him from banging his head all the way down.

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