Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back Home Again...

I had a fantastic time with my kids. I loved being there for Mother's Day. Our art project this time (we always have art with grandma) was to make cards for Mom. We gathered brightly colored flowers and placed them on watercolor paper, covered them with a paper towel and pounded the pigments into the paper. We wound up with flower paintings that the kids then embellished with colored markers. Special blueberry pancakes, some zinnias and pansies in pots, handmade cards...a perfect Mother's Day for my beautiful daughter.

Next we took a long walk and went to the beach. It was a beautiful, sunny day, not too windy.
Then, riding lessons where I watched my 5 year old jump her pony, canter and jog him. Then she rode bareback. She's getting really confident on the pony. It's pretty cool to see her take care of the pony, brushing him and being around the stable - she's learning about being responsible while she learns to ride. Love it...

But the best thing was when we stopped on the way back to the airport to go to the carousel.
Yes, there's a beautiful, old carousel along the freeway at a car dealership. I got on with the two kids. This was no wimpy carousel! We were flying up and down, around and around. I looked over at my granddaughter and she had this smile of absolute, pure joy on her face. She just enjoys everything so much! It was priceless for me.
Then Goodbye at the airport. I could see them waving to me as I got on my plane to go home. Until next time...

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